Sunday Gameday

  • Sunday gamedays are coached by volunteer parent coaches and organized by on site professionals.
  • Teams will do a 5 minute warm up focused on motor development & ball mastery.
  • Warm up session plans are created by professionals and are age appropriate for 4–8-year-old players. 
  • Following the warmup, teams will compete against each other in a scrimmage format.
  • Every team is provided with a uniform and coaches are provided cones and a game ball.

Dates: 4/13, 4/27, 5/4, 5/11, 5/18, 6/1, 6/8, 6/15.

Age: When: Where: Format: Coaches:


 11:30 – 12:15

3 v 3, Pugg Goals, 6-7 players/team Volunteer + Professional


 12:30 – 1:30

3 v 3, Pugg Goals, 6-7 players/team Volunteer + Professional
1st & 2nd Grade


1:45 – 2:45

4 v 4, Hybrid Nets, 7-8 players/team Volunteer + Professional


Keys Notes for Sunday Gameday:

  • Designed for a fun, positive, safe, and rewarding atmosphere.
  • Coached by parent volunteers.
  • Organized and guided by Professional coaches.
  • 2 halves; 15 minutes at PreK and 25 minutes for K - 2nd grade. 5 minute halftime.
  • Referees introduced in 2nd Grade. 


Progression rules of the game:


  • PreK - After a goal the ball is placed in the center for a kick off.


  • Kindergarten - After a goal the ball is placed in the center for a kick off.

For PreK and Kindergarten, when the ball goes out of bounds, the coach tosses a new one in and calls “New Ball” 


  • 1st Grade - After a goal the ball is placed in the center for a kick off
  • Goal kicks - The opposing team retreats to half field until the kick is taken.
  • Kick ins from the sidelines when the ball goes out of bounds.


  • 2nd Grade - All rules implemented.
  • Goal kicks - The opposing team retreats to half field until the kick is taken.
  • Corner Kicks 
  • Throw ins - Players are to keep both feet on the ground, two hands on the ball, and the ball touches the back of their neck before throwing.
  • Goalkeeper saves. 


Coaching Responsibilities: 

  • Create a passion for the game.
  • Teach the fundamentals of soccer.
  • Teach the proper rules of soccer.
  • Teach what it means to be a good sport.
  • Manage substitutions - All players play equal.
  • Keep the game flowing and fun.

Cost: $180

To register please click HERE.