1st/2nd Grade Development Academy

1st/2nd Grade Devlopment Academy

The Weston Development Academy will be available for all 1st/2nd grade players that want more from the game. 11 professionally coached sessions with a focus on enhancing technical ability, tactical understanding, familiarity of rules, and a passion for the game. Sessions will be run by Director of Coaching, Chris DiCecca, along with ProPath coaches. The objective is to create 4 teams/gender (rosters of between 8-12) that will have a full time coach dedicated to them for the season. Teams will train with their respective coach every Wednesday for 8 weeks and compete in intramural Jamborees over 3 Saturday afternoons (See dates below). Each team will also have the option to opt into a Memorial Day tournament.

  • Game Play will be 5v5 (Including a goalkeeper).
  • Games will be coached and refereed by professional coaches to assure the rules of the game are firmly implemented. 
  • Two 45 minute games will be played during each jamboree.
  • Players will be provided team shirts. 


  • 8 weeks, Wednesdays (4/9, 4/16, 4/30, 5/7, 5/14, 5/21, 5/28, 6/4)
  • 4:00 – 5:15 @ Alphabet


  • 3 Saturdays
  • Girls (4/12, 5/10, 5/31) & Boys (5/3, 5/17, 6/7).
  • 4:30 – 6:15 at Alphabet


NOTE: Your child MUST participate in the 1st/2nd Grade Sunday GameDay program in order to be eligible for the 1st/2nd Grade Development Academy.

Additional information:

 Space is limited to the first 48 players/gender with the aim of having 4 teams created after the March evaluation session. Every player is welcome. The evaluations will be used to best balance teams to create competitive game play.  All players will practice at the same time and same location. Teams of 8-12 will be created with an objective of creating even spread of ability. Competitive jamboree games are crucial to this program.


  • The March evaluation will be held on Sunday, 3/30, 3:00 - 4:15 @ Alphabet Fields.
  • Friend requests for teams will not be considered.


To register for the 1st/2nd grade Development Academy, click HERE.

Cost: $300